Sunday, June 26, 2011

Getting Back to Normal

Well if you're one of our faithful followers then you probably noticed this post is going up late today! That's because I took some time out today to brush up my mammarazzi skills with a photography class in downtown Houston. It was tons of fun, and I finally learned how to use my camera on the manual setting. So before we get to this week's The Schaefer Son, here are a few pictures from this morning.
Our instructor
Working on my focus, and blurred backgrounds:)
More focus practice
Some cute kid I know...
Another one of my models...
Some random people in my class who were our models, to practice shooting in the shade. Aren't they cute?!
I LOVED this garden...
Okay so now that I've bored you with that, on to this week's main attraction...

The Schaefer Son - Vol. 7


  1. awww so sweet. Good to see you growing as a family. Love this blog since I don't get to see you nearly enough. Kanaan is so cute...he looked irritated that you interrupted him playing with his fire truck fo another pic.LOL. Love you!

  2. Love the photos from your photography class! Great job. Off to read the newsletter distracted by your mad focus skills :)

  3. I really love the new “news” format. The photo shoot looked like fun as well as the art class.  Y’all really know how to have a fun time.

    Kanaan sure is photogenic, with those big eyes and sweet smile. Thank you for keeping us up to date on his development. Hope to see you soon.

    Love, Mom/Judy/Gramma
