Given Kanaan's current strawberry hemangioma, I have done a LOT of research on those first thoughts when we saw this new development on his arm was that this could be a different form of hemangioma, what is called a cavernous hemangioma. These kinds of hemangiomas are different in that they are under the it looks nothing like his nose one if you have seen that (it's in all his pics, I purposely do NOT edit it out so you can check it out if you haven't already noticed it).
Kanaan at the doctors office
This new current swollen area is also MUCH bigger, it's about the size of a half dollar, maybe a little bit bigger. Austin and I called the doctor though this morning to get him checked out to see what it really was. Long story short...the doctor isn't sure. He is sure there's an unusual growth on his arm, the skin is a different texture there, and it is slightly pink and puffy. He has now ordered an ultra sound for Kanaan at Texas Children's Hospital, we are just waiting to hear our appt time. The ultrasound will be able to tell us what kind of possible tumor (hemangiomas are benign) it could be, or if it's something different all together. If this new area is determined to be a cavernous hemangioma, they will want to do a more extensive ultrasounds of K's whole body to determine if he has any on his internal organs. (This is standard for kids with multiple hemangiomas) This is probably the most scary part, internal ones carry a whole list of complications.
So please pray for our sweet baby boy this week in your free time. Pray that we find out what this growth is, and that it is treatable. Please also pray for our minds to not wander to worst case scenarios as we sit and wait. As a parent you just want your kids to be happy and healthy, so the thought of even one of those being out of balance is very upsetting. We know we serve a powerful God that will help us through this, and hopefully this turns out to be nothing. By the doctor's assessment he's guessing that it is a cavernous hemangioma, and we will proceed with several ultrasounds, and then a specialist if that's the case. Fortunately right now it doesn't seem to be bothering K to much, and this has helped bring a smile to our face today hearing this sweet little sound....
Sweet Kanaan Sounds
And if you're still reading by this point, check out the The Schaefer Son Vol. 14
We just introduced Sophie to Layla and she LOVES it! I'm praying for y'all!!