Sunday, December 18, 2011
'Twas the Week Before Christmas
Somehow Kanaan's first Christmas is sneaking up on us faster than we could have ever imagined 8 months ago...and we've been trying to squeeze a TON of things in before the end of the year!
Kanaan has already given us an early present this week, he's been saying "mama" and "dada" now when we come into a room. Could it be coincidence? Sure, but we like to think he really knows that's who we are:)
Read all about this and more in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 32
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Deck the Halls/Mall Santa
Hello Everyone! Today has been an eventful day...first Kanaan graduated to the ladybug room at church because he's too big for the little lamb room now that he can crawl, and we took him to have hist picture with Jolly Old St. Nick:)
I think someone should have warned me how hard it is to find a good Santa!. We started off at a local toy store, the Santa was great but the background was jungle themed--and something just seemed off about that so we headed to the "dreaded" mall and waited about 40 min in line for that cardboard set up. I felt like we were in a scene from the movie "A Christmas Story" kids would be perfectly happy one minute, then it would be their turn for a chance on Santa's lap and they suddenly scream bloody murder.
Kanaan though kept his composure, and smiled nice for a pic:) I've decided next year Santa may have to make a house call so this mamarazzi can get some better shots;)
Check out K's first Mall Santa pic in This week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 31
Sunday, December 4, 2011
8 Months Going on 8 Years...
So this little guy is now 8 Months old! Time is flying, and we've been going non-stop! This week marks the 30th newsletter we've done of our little guy, so a big whoop for that! Some week's it's hard to get motivated to write it, but I know it will make a great scrapbook journal for our little guy of his first year. Well I will quit stalling and let you get to reading this week's super packed 8 month special edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 30
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Reason to Give Thanks
I think this picture pretty much sums up what I'm most thankful for this year...
But check out this week's The Schaefer Son Vol. 29 to read all the details of K's first Thanksgiving:)
But check out this week's The Schaefer Son Vol. 29 to read all the details of K's first Thanksgiving:)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Time to Recover
For some more pictures not Kanaan related, check out Kristen's photo blog Nestalgia Photography, where she has posted pictures of a recent photo shoot of my sister and her family.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Crawling, Colds, and Camels what a Week!
Crawling, colds, and camels...what do they have in common? Normally nothing, but this week Kanaan has had experiences with all of them. Read all about it in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 27
And to keep things all Kanaan related on this blog, I have started another blog for all my adventures in photography. I've been taking classes, and pictures of tons of people, so you follow my photo journey here: Nestalgia Photography
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Happy Halloween
Read all about Kanaan's favorite Halloween so far and a look into the art of homemade baby food, all in this weeks Schaefer Son - Vol. 26
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Kanaan is 7 months old!!
We are now the proud parents of a 7 month old baby! These seven months have been full of firsts and this upcoming week is no different.
He will be taking part in his first Halloween. Make sure you check back next week to see him in his costume.
But until then, check out this weeks edition of The Schaefer Son - Vol. 25
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Finally Feeling like Fall:)
Yea! We finally got a taste of Fall weather this week:) Of course we were out of state in Oklahoma, and Kansas for a whirlwind trip to about a million places, and we had 2 babies in tow! Read all about it in this weeks edition of dun dun dun....The Schaefer Son Vol. 24
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Kanaan Bleeds Maroon!
So once again this blog post is going up late...shocker;) Haha but once again we've had a lot going on, but hey we got too it didn't we? For starters I started my second photography class, Austin's been gearing up for a business trip, and we even got to introduce Kanaan to a little game day rivalry with some friends. Read all about it in this week's edition of....The Schaefer Son Vol. 23
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A Power Packed Week!
This week has been packed--we had K's 6 month check-up, family in town, a day trip to the aquarium, a new friend of Kanaan's to visit, oh yeah and my most embarrassing mom moment to date. Here's how it all went down: The Schaefer Son Vol. 22
Sunday, October 2, 2011
6 Months and Counting!
Sooooooo yes this post is going up very very late. But I have a good excuse! For starters...
Kanaan had his Baby dedication at church this morning (we'll have more on this though next week). Second, Kanaan's new friend Ethan was born late last night--so we had to go visit him in the hospital today. And third....well we have had family in town and have been enjoying time with them. But that doesn't take away from a big event this week...Kanaan is now officially half a year old! So of course we wrote about it in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 21
Kanaan had his Baby dedication at church this morning (we'll have more on this though next week). Second, Kanaan's new friend Ethan was born late last night--so we had to go visit him in the hospital today. And third....well we have had family in town and have been enjoying time with them. But that doesn't take away from a big event this week...Kanaan is now officially half a year old! So of course we wrote about it in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 21
Sunday, September 25, 2011
An Exhausting Week!
Wow what a busy couple of weeks we've had!! This week alone we've driven to Dallas and back, hung out with family, visited a pumpkin patch....and oh yeah had a teething baby that didn't want to sleep at night. But we're back home now... and while Kanaan is catching up on his handsome sleep...
I'm going to catch you up on our lives in the 20th edition of our newsletter!! The Schaefer Son Vol. 20 (I can't believe I've made it this long without skipping a week YEA!! Hopefully this will make a great scrapbook of his first year)
I'm going to catch you up on our lives in the 20th edition of our newsletter!! The Schaefer Son Vol. 20 (I can't believe I've made it this long without skipping a week YEA!! Hopefully this will make a great scrapbook of his first year)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Boys are Back in Town
After a week sans dad...we all reunited this weekend for a fun party for these two little guys to meet some extended family.
And of course we documented all the details here....
The Schaefer Son Vol.19
And of course we documented all the details here....
The Schaefer Son Vol.19
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Prayers Answered!

Happy Grandparents Day to some VERY special people in our little boy's life! Kanaan <3's you all!
Read all about it in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 18
Sunday, September 4, 2011
We Have a 5 Month Old!
Yup that time has come again--Kanaan is another month older! He keeps getting cuter too:)
Sadly we have no news to report about his arm--his appointment on Friday was cancelled, and rescheduled for Tuesday, so hopefully we'll have an update by next week. But we did want to show you Kanaan's latest craze...we call it the "inch worm"
He's gonna be mobile soon people! Ok now onto this week's edition of.....
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Cousins Meet!
This past week has flown by once again. Kanaan is doing good, thanks for your continued prayers! We don't know anything new about his arm yet, but it looks a TON better, in fact it's barely noticeable now. However, we do have an appointment with a specialist at Texas Children's in downtown set for this coming be thinking of us please!
Other than that Kanaan is his usual happy baby self, and he's getting real close to crawling--the past couple weeks he's gotten quite good at the inchworm (that's what we call it) where he uses his legs to push his bottom up, and scoot forward. So he may become mobile sooner than we thought;)
So why am I divulging all this information here and not in the newsletter? Well....because this week's newsletter is a little different than normal, and almost ALL pictures. That's because Kanaan got to meet his little cousin Hudson, and there's a LOT of cuteness to share and not a lot of space. So check it out in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 16
Other than that Kanaan is his usual happy baby self, and he's getting real close to crawling--the past couple weeks he's gotten quite good at the inchworm (that's what we call it) where he uses his legs to push his bottom up, and scoot forward. So he may become mobile sooner than we thought;)
So why am I divulging all this information here and not in the newsletter? Well....because this week's newsletter is a little different than normal, and almost ALL pictures. That's because Kanaan got to meet his little cousin Hudson, and there's a LOT of cuteness to share and not a lot of space. So check it out in this week's edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 16
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Update from Kanaan's Ultrasound
First off thanks to all of you who have been praying for our family this past week! We have tons of stuff to fill you in on....but before we get to all the serious stuff, something a little more fun to share with you all. I entered a picture of Kanaan in a photography contest to be featured on one my favorite inspiration blogs, and his pic was chosen! Yea! You can check him out here Confessions of a Prop Junkie: Be Inspired along with some other cuties!
Ok now on to what most of you probably came to read about K's big appointment, all the details are in this week's edition of:
The Schaefer Son Vol. 15
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Please Pray for Kanaan
So I thought this week's blog post would be short and sweet. I wrote the Schaefer Son yesterday and felt ahead. But last night while giving Kanaan a bath we noticed a puffy pink spot section on Kanaan's arm. I should mention we had noticed this same light pink section on his arm before, but we thought it was just a bug bite at the time, the color and puffiness of the area seemed to go down that week though so we weren't too concerned with it...until last night when it returned, this time a little more noticeable.
Given Kanaan's current strawberry hemangioma, I have done a LOT of research on those first thoughts when we saw this new development on his arm was that this could be a different form of hemangioma, what is called a cavernous hemangioma. These kinds of hemangiomas are different in that they are under the it looks nothing like his nose one if you have seen that (it's in all his pics, I purposely do NOT edit it out so you can check it out if you haven't already noticed it).

Kanaan at the doctors office
This new current swollen area is also MUCH bigger, it's about the size of a half dollar, maybe a little bit bigger. Austin and I called the doctor though this morning to get him checked out to see what it really was. Long story short...the doctor isn't sure. He is sure there's an unusual growth on his arm, the skin is a different texture there, and it is slightly pink and puffy. He has now ordered an ultra sound for Kanaan at Texas Children's Hospital, we are just waiting to hear our appt time. The ultrasound will be able to tell us what kind of possible tumor (hemangiomas are benign) it could be, or if it's something different all together. If this new area is determined to be a cavernous hemangioma, they will want to do a more extensive ultrasounds of K's whole body to determine if he has any on his internal organs. (This is standard for kids with multiple hemangiomas) This is probably the most scary part, internal ones carry a whole list of complications.
So please pray for our sweet baby boy this week in your free time. Pray that we find out what this growth is, and that it is treatable. Please also pray for our minds to not wander to worst case scenarios as we sit and wait. As a parent you just want your kids to be happy and healthy, so the thought of even one of those being out of balance is very upsetting. We know we serve a powerful God that will help us through this, and hopefully this turns out to be nothing. By the doctor's assessment he's guessing that it is a cavernous hemangioma, and we will proceed with several ultrasounds, and then a specialist if that's the case. Fortunately right now it doesn't seem to be bothering K to much, and this has helped bring a smile to our face today hearing this sweet little sound....
Sweet Kanaan Sounds
And if you're still reading by this point, check out the The Schaefer Son Vol. 14
Given Kanaan's current strawberry hemangioma, I have done a LOT of research on those first thoughts when we saw this new development on his arm was that this could be a different form of hemangioma, what is called a cavernous hemangioma. These kinds of hemangiomas are different in that they are under the it looks nothing like his nose one if you have seen that (it's in all his pics, I purposely do NOT edit it out so you can check it out if you haven't already noticed it).
Kanaan at the doctors office
This new current swollen area is also MUCH bigger, it's about the size of a half dollar, maybe a little bit bigger. Austin and I called the doctor though this morning to get him checked out to see what it really was. Long story short...the doctor isn't sure. He is sure there's an unusual growth on his arm, the skin is a different texture there, and it is slightly pink and puffy. He has now ordered an ultra sound for Kanaan at Texas Children's Hospital, we are just waiting to hear our appt time. The ultrasound will be able to tell us what kind of possible tumor (hemangiomas are benign) it could be, or if it's something different all together. If this new area is determined to be a cavernous hemangioma, they will want to do a more extensive ultrasounds of K's whole body to determine if he has any on his internal organs. (This is standard for kids with multiple hemangiomas) This is probably the most scary part, internal ones carry a whole list of complications.
So please pray for our sweet baby boy this week in your free time. Pray that we find out what this growth is, and that it is treatable. Please also pray for our minds to not wander to worst case scenarios as we sit and wait. As a parent you just want your kids to be happy and healthy, so the thought of even one of those being out of balance is very upsetting. We know we serve a powerful God that will help us through this, and hopefully this turns out to be nothing. By the doctor's assessment he's guessing that it is a cavernous hemangioma, and we will proceed with several ultrasounds, and then a specialist if that's the case. Fortunately right now it doesn't seem to be bothering K to much, and this has helped bring a smile to our face today hearing this sweet little sound....
Sweet Kanaan Sounds
And if you're still reading by this point, check out the The Schaefer Son Vol. 14
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Church, Check-Ups, and Cheesy Grins:)
Every week that goes by we seem to have more and more fun with this little guy! His little chubber cheeks, get a little more kissable each day!
His favorite thing right now is when mom or dad hoist him in the air like superman. It's pretty much a guaranteed laugh or smile:)
Today Kanaan got to share those smiles and laughs and play with some new kids in the church nursery.
Here he is in the little "lamb" room, right after we handed him over.
For the last 4 months Kanaan has been joining us in the big sanctuary, but it's pretty hard for me to pay attention to the message since I'm constantly feeding K a bottle, or giving him his pacifier. Last week I even had to step outside with him a few times because he wanted to "talk" all during the service:) So we decided now that he's older and had his baby shots that he was ready to join the other babies in the nursery. We were a little nervous leaving him for the first time today, and kept checking to see if we were being paged to come get him....but as it turns out he did just fine, and the nursery staff said he was a very good baby. Here we all are right after picking him up.....
This week Kanaan had his 4 month check-up, read up on how it went in this week's edition of...
Sunday, July 31, 2011
4 Months: Getting Bigger and Stronger
I feel like I just did the post on Kanaan turning 3 months old, and now I'm already here to report he's 4 months old!!! Wednesday, Kanaan has his 4 month check-up...please pray for him as he has to get his latest round of shots, measurements, and get his hemangioma checked. We of course will let you know how it goes in the next week's post.
As for this past week, we were busy!
Kanaan this week decided 6:30 a.m. would be a good time to wake-up everyday and just chat with his mobile....before going back to sleep, on his own:)
sleepy babble
He also found out some toys can catch you off guard....
Toys can surprise you....
But that toys are actually pretty fun....(All I've been able to catch on cam is the giggle, we'll eventually get that belly laugh-stay tuned)
toy giggle fun
But that's not all that went on this week.....check out this weeks edition of The Schaefer Son Vol. 12 for all the details, and pics. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thank Heaven for Little Boys
Kanaan dancing
We are definitely smitten with the little guy, just in case our weekly newsletter didn't tip you off. When I was pregnant I always wished I would have kept a journal about what I was experiencing each week...but I just never got around to it. I'm so glad Austin and I decided to take on this weekly, because it will be great for the scrapbooks one day:) Now on to The Schaefer Son Vol. 11...hopefully we can keep this up:) Thanks for stopping by.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
To Grandmother's House We Go!
It's been a crazy week, so sorry this post is going up late! Kanaan actually got his first boo-boo today, so he's needed a little more TLC. Luckily we were in Grandparent territory this weekend, so there was a lot of love going around--for all three of us:)
This morning we also got to do a little antique shopping in Jefferson, before packing up. So all in all a good weekend, you can read about all the particulars in this week's edition of....
The Schaefer Son - Vol. 10
This morning we also got to do a little antique shopping in Jefferson, before packing up. So all in all a good weekend, you can read about all the particulars in this week's edition of....
The Schaefer Son - Vol. 10
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A Week 4 the Memory Books
Hello friends, and family, thanks for stopping by to see what we've been up to. Before we get down to business...if you're on facebook please take a minute to Vote for Kanaan to be the next Gerber Baby.
Vote for Kanaan Thanks! The site has been pretty busy, so I've had a lot of people tell me they can't get through. But you can vote daily, so if you get a chance we sure would appreciate it:)
And here are some side by side comparisons of Austin, Kanaan, and myself as babies...We can definitely see a mixture of both of us in bout u?
Ok now on to life in Schaefer household. I guess you could say 4 was our lucky number this week. We celebrated the 4th of July, our 4 year wedding anniversary, and Kanaan's 14th week of life! Pure craziness how fast time is flying! Of course we've documented it all in this week's edition of....
The Schaefer Son Vol. 9
Sunday, July 3, 2011
3 Months and Counting
Hello everyone! Kanaan is now 3 months old:) We're currently celebrating the 4th of July down at the Schaefer Bay House with friends, so this blog post will be short and sweet. Thanks for stopping by and checking out this week's edition of....
The Schaefer Son Vol. 8
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Getting Back to Normal
Well if you're one of our faithful followers then you probably noticed this post is going up late today! That's because I took some time out today to brush up my mammarazzi skills with a photography class in downtown Houston. It was tons of fun, and I finally learned how to use my camera on the manual setting. So before we get to this week's The Schaefer Son, here are a few pictures from this morning.
Our instructor
Working on my focus, and blurred backgrounds:)
More focus practice
Some cute kid I know...
Another one of my models...
Some random people in my class who were our models, to practice shooting in the shade. Aren't they cute?!
I LOVED this garden...
Okay so now that I've bored you with that, on to this week's main attraction...
The Schaefer Son - Vol. 7
Our instructor
Working on my focus, and blurred backgrounds:)
More focus practice
Some cute kid I know...
Another one of my models...
Some random people in my class who were our models, to practice shooting in the shade. Aren't they cute?!
I LOVED this garden...
Okay so now that I've bored you with that, on to this week's main attraction...
The Schaefer Son - Vol. 7
Sunday, June 19, 2011
First Father's Day
Before we get to this week's edition of The Schaefer Son...I'd like to take a minute to wish Austin a very Happy First Father's Day!
It's hard to believe just 11 weeks ago, you first held our little boy.
You were there for the two of us while I was recovering from surgery...
And as Kanaan learned all about the world around him.
You've been there for feedings...
And some interesting wardrobe choices...
I love watching you play with our son...
I already see so much of you in him...
We are so blessed to call you husband, father, and best friend.
I love you! Thank you for being you.
<3- Kristen
Now on to this week's special edition of......
The Schaefer Son Vol. 6
The Schaefer Son Vol. 6
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